
Author Archive

August photos from Adrienne Love

August 3rd, 2008



Can you see me?







Kahakaloa Church images. The church is an out of the way place…

I like to hike in since I do not like the ONE LANE road without a guard rail.




Have camera will travel…

July 13th, 2008



Click on the images for larger views:


hanas-red-and-green-bamboo   purple-rain

Hana’s Red and                                         Purple rain

Green Bamboo … yes it IS real.


jake-a-napili-koi    jake-and-friends

"Jake" a Napili Koi              "Jake" and friends



"Bob" and "Mike", Maui Drinking buddies…


DSC_0635   kaanapali-bird-of-paradise

Lilies in the rain              Kaanapali Bird of Paradise


pink-flamingo-at-the-hyatt    two-pinks-at-the-hyatt

Pink Flamingo at the Hyatt               Two pinks at the Hyatt


Four New Maui Images from the eye of Adrienne

June 14th, 2008



Here is a familiar look at Lahaina Towne from out harbor.




An early morning look at our sunken boat. It is always interesting to hear passerby speculate on the boat’s demise.



Birds of Paradise fill the Hawaiian Islands




This last Easter Sunday morning, I captured this photo of a whale’s tail that had been either mutilated by sharks or by a boat’s propeller.  The good thing is, this is his second year he has been spotted.  He must have to swim on his side since most of his tail is gone.  We named him McStumpy.


Images of Maui as seen through the eyes of Adrienne Love

June 8th, 2008

I have the honor of knowing the infamous Mickey.  Great sense of humor and pretty smart I may add.  I would like to share some of my photos of a very special place on earth, MAUI.


Adrienne Love



Click on the images to enlarge them.

hula purple-flower green-leaf hidden-house paths island
