An unreasonable Pink Flamingo customer
Rating: OK
Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: Bad
Delivery Rating: Bad
Ease of Purchase Rating: OK
Customer Service Rating: Bad
The order was placed, but was not "processed" for two days. What good does it do to have priority shipping if the order is not a priority? They do warn you of this, but if it happens with every order they should say it will ship when they feel like getting around to it. Response time to email inquiries was next day or later. Does not allow UPS shipping so goes snail mail or Fed Ex. Price was not cheaper than other seller’s who ship sooner and respond faster, so why bother with them. James H. / Savage, MN
RESPONSE: I sure wish I could respond to this customer in the Yahoo public forum., by default, allows Yahoo to ask our customer’s to rate us, but Yahoo does not let us respond to their comments. Hence this blog. I’ve read worse comments, but this one, touched me in a sore spot. SHIPPING!
Above, are comments from one recent Yahoo customer’s feedback. I think he is an unthankful customer. I think the Minnesota cold gave him brain freeze. Wow, two days to process and ship an order. Egad! And, oh no, a whole day to answer an email. We bad.
I don’t think this customer would be happy unless I flew to Minnesota and hand delivered his freaking shirt and gave it to him gift wrapped and for free. This guy is simply full of BS. I always wonder why someone would write such dribble and be so mean in a public forum.
NO other web site ships faster and responds quicker. If he was so unhappy with the price, the service, cost of shipping and how his order was to be shipped, why did he bother buying the shirt from in the first place? Why, I’ll tell you why. price was much lower than anyone else. And, I suspect, no one else had exactly what he wanted.
The shipping information link is on the top of all 3,500 pages of the web site. We do NOT ship “snail-mail”. We ship “Priority Mail” and 2nd Day Federal Express. You are asked to read the shipping information with a drop-down notice that is impossible to miss, when you come into the web site.
Every order, as exemplified in dozens upon dozens of customer’s feedback, ships quickly. That is a fact.
This customer placed his order after hours on Tuesday. He selected 2nd Day Federal Express. This is the exact wording on the shipping option he had to have read when he checked out with his shopping cart: 2nd Day Air DOES NOT necessarily mean you will receive your order in 2 days! We ship from an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Nothing ships from Maui and goes directly to the Mainland. Everything makes a stop in Honolulu.We simply can not process and ship orders any faster than we do.
The customer got hold of a $ 6.00 discount coupon, (darn), and used it for the purchase of an already discounted shirt. The same shirt sells for $60 to $75.00 at any retail or on-line aloha shirt shop. He purchased it for $ 48.90. Where is the Aloha?
The shipping cost for 2nd Day Federal Express was only $ 19.80. The price we charge for 2nd Day Federal Express is about 40% to 50% less than what you would normally pay for this service.