Home > Customer's Communicate > “…the first place I will go will be to Mauishirts.com”

“…the first place I will go will be to Mauishirts.com”

August 31st, 2012




 Men’s Hawaiian Petroglyphs


Rating: Excellent

Price Rating:Excellent

Shipping Options Rating:Excellent

Delivery Rating:Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent

Customer Service Rating:Excellent

When I couldn’t find a replacement shirt for one I ordered last year from any of the Hawaiian shirt company, I found that MauiShirts.com had my second choice. They placed the order and got the shirt sent in record time. The design and colors were perfect! Both my son and I were very pleased. If I want to look for another Hawaiian shirt some time, the first place I will go will be to Mauishirts.com.

Susan E. / Bellevue, WA

Customer's Communicate

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