
Archive for August, 2010 is THE place…read the feedbacks…

August 19th, 2010

hawaiian quilt Rating: Excellent

Price Rating:Excellent

Shipping Options Rating:Excellent

Delivery Rating:Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent

Customer Service Rating:Excellent

My first experience with your company and everything went so well. I looked at many different sites and was seeing the same type of blouse everywhere until I got to your site and discovered other options and unique choices. Reading the reviews helped me select the correct size. I was amazed at how quickly it arrived, faster than some companies closer to home.

Chris W. / Stoughton, WI

Customer's Communicate

Mickey Steinborn is great !

August 14th, 2010

coconut tree heritage hawaiian paradise legends








tradewinds-hawaiian-shirt Rating: Excellent

Price Rating: Excellent

Shipping Options Rating: Excellent

Delivery Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Mickey Steinborn is great!   

Lenore T. / Burnaby, BC, Canada

Customer's Communicate

One of the Top ten worst transactions of all time

August 13th, 2010

Response to customer Aug. 13, 2010 email

Dear disgruntled customer,

OMG….Why are you threatening us?

What are you going to tell everyone you know?

That you are one misguided person who refuses to read or follow simple instructions?

You are irritated about an order from December 13, 2009.

Your order was refunded many months ago.

All your frustrations are created by you.

We have treated you with kindness and with Aloha up to this point.

We shipped your order the next day after your order was logged in on December 13th, 2009.

We attempted to contact you twice.

When there was no response we simply issued a refund to your transaction.

You never responded to any email.

You never included any previous email in your rants.

I do remember this transaction. I mean, how could I forget it?

You are beating a dead horse.

You have less than nothing to complain about.

I must tell you how happy I feel to know that you will never do business with us again.

It pleases me greatly.

I have attached your previous history below from all your correspondence.

I will place this wonderful story on my blog so other folks can see what I have to put up with.

Mahalo, (Thank you),
Mickey Steinborn
President,  MauiShirts, Inc.


Customer sends email August 13, 2010

From: email address deleted
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 3:29 AM
Subject: RE: Exchange request / – ORDER # 002-7491677 -9905853

You are baffled and I am frustrated. F*** YOU! I will never do business with your company again, have posted it on Amazon’s site and will tell everyone I know.

From: "Mickey Steinborn" <>
To: email address deleted

Subject: RE: Exchange request / – ORDER # 002-7491677-9905853
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 11:46:10 –1000



December 28, 2009 : Customer Request for exchange:

From: email address deleted  
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 5:19 AM
Subject: Return

I placed on order (#002-7491677-9905853) and need to exchange it for a size medium. Please send me the address and authorization necessary to do this. / Thanks.


December 28th response to customer’s request for exchange:

Aloha from Historic Old Lahaina Towne, Maui, Hawaii,
Mahalo – Thank you for your email.

I apologize for this lengthy reply.

This information pertains to ALL customers’ issues requesting returns, exchanges and/or refunds. 

In simple terms:
1) Please place a new order if this request is for an exchange.

Place this exchange order ONLY on the main web:

($10.00 Courtesy Coupon and link below)

2) Return the items you do not want.

(Address at the end of this email)
3) The credit card you used for your purchase will receive the refund when your returned items are logged in on Maui.

FAQ: When will I receive my refund?

PLEASE take the time to READ this information.
It will prevent most, if not all misunderstandings or issues with your return or exchange.
This email is your authorization for return or exchange.

Please READ how to pack and send your returns back to Maui on this link/page.
(Copy and paste this link into your browser if you cannot click on it to take you there):

This link is on the top area of ALL pages of the main web site.

There is a drop-down notice at the top of the page when you enter the main web site from the front page.
The information is on all listings as well.
It is shown as Mauishirts Sellers Policy.

It is impossible to stock every print, in every color, in every size and in every style all of the time.

We offer thousands of items that are made in very limited quantities in Honolulu.

It is always recommended that alternate colors, prints be selected to prevent partial orders and disappointment.

There are NO FEES for exchanges.
There is a 15% Fee for HANDLING, RE-LISTING & RE-STOCKING for all returns that are NOT for exchanges.

You may exchange for anything.

Shipping Charges are NOT refundable. Shipping Charges are non-negotiable.
We allow SIX (6) Months to send back your exchange.

Nothing can be set aside in lieu of an exchange.
We cannot accept email instructions for exchanges.

A new order MUST be created.

Hand written notes for exchanges included in your return shipment box cannot be accepted.

Making a new purchase for your exchange will make your transactions easy to follow and easy understand.

Any other method will be confusing and will require back and forth email, phone calls and probably weeks to sort out.

The Medium size in Black is sold out in this specific print:

Here is the page/link to all our beverage print apparel:

We always appreciate an opportunity to provide service to you, a valued customer.

Here is a Courtesy Coupon Code: AMZ99 that will deduct $ 10.00 OFF the bottom line of your exchange purchase. 

The coupon is only valid on the main web site. It can NOT be used on the web site.

Type the Code into the Coupon – Gift Certificate box.

You will find this box on the left side as you finalize your check out with your shopping cart.
It is below where you enter your email address – Click APPLY to receive the $10.00 discount.

PLEASE use the size charts.

There are helpful, extensive size charts found on all pages.

The size charts have measurements of the garments and NOT your body.

The size charts are accurate. Our apparel does not run small and does not run large.  

Please do not hesitate to call our toll free number to speak to one of our showroom assistants for further size information.

IMPORTANT: Please type your Original ORDER NUMBER in the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BOX of your new order.
The Special Instructions box is under the area where you type in your email address.

There is no way to communicate a new exchange order from the web site.
Coupons are NOT valid and cannot be used on the web site..
Exchange dollar amounts CAN NOT be applied to shipping charges.
No other Discount coupons can be combined for this exchange.
Finally, if this information is confusing to you or if you still have concerns or questions,

PLEASE do not hesitate to email or call toll free 1-866-628-4626, (1-866-MAUIMAN).
Please communicate with your ORDER NUMBER.
All orders are stored and sorted by their ORDER NUMBER.
Send your return or exchange to this Address (below)
Please include your ORDER NUMBER in your box and/or on your box.
MAUISHIRTS.COM, INC.                                           
REF: ORDER # A-9905853

P.O. BOX 12230

Customer sends second email : February 20, 2010:

From: email address deleted
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 11:00 AM
Subject: Exchange item

I sent an order (#002-7491677-9905853) back for exchange per your email instruction and have not received the new shirt. The shirt was mailed 12-31 09. Please let me know what the status is of the exchange and when I will receive it. Thanks.


MauiShirts response to customer’s email of 02/20/2010:


I cannot locate any new order for an exchange on the main web site.

Nor, can I locate any other order from you on the web site.

I do see a refund to your transaction; $ 44.11.

It would take some time to locate your paperwork to determine when your refund was issued.

It was issued the same day your returned shirt was logged in on Maui.

You many reclaim the $ 7.79 re-listing, handling and restocking fee by placing a new order on-line at the main web site.

You may use this courtesy code to re-claim the fee: MS779

Use the COURTESY CUPON code for a new purchase.

The courtesy coupon box is above the area where you are required to enter your email address on your order form as you check out.

Enter the code. Click Apply and the $ 7.79 will automatically be deducted from your total purchase.

The coupon has a onetime use only and expires midnight May 20, 2010.

Here is the page/link to the “COCKTAILS” shirt:

Here is the page/link to the new “COCKTAILS GAMES” shirt:

Here is a link/page displaying all our beverage prints:

Customer sends third email: July 6, 2010

I sent an order (#002-7491677-9905853) back for exchange per your email instruction and have not received the new shirt. The shirt was mailed 12-31 09. Please let me know what the status is of the exchange and when I will receive it. / Thanks.

A copy of the email sent to customer on Feb. 20th is re-sent along with this note:


I will immediately REMOVE your name from our customer’s monthly email special’s mailing.

I apologize for any misunderstandings.

I,  again, cannot locate any new order from you for an exchange.

Do you have a new order number?

Do you use more than one email address?

I see an AMAZON.COM order from you; ORDER # 002-7491677-9905853 FROM Dec. 13, 2009.

I see a refund issued for $ 44.11 to this order.

A special coupon was created for you.

It expired on May 20, 2010.

I will extend the coupon if you want to make a new purchase.

Please reply to this email with your intentions.

Here is a copy of the last email sent to the customer on Feb. 20th, 2010:

COPY to follow: (copy of Feb. 20th, 2010 email was included)


Customer sends 4th email on August 8, 2010

From: email address deleted
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: Exchange request / – ORDER # 002-7491677 -9905853

You said a refund was issued for $44.11. Was that in the form of the special coupon you mentioned or was it a credit to my credit card?? I did not receive either I would like my money back as this has been a lengthy. painful experience. responds on August 10th:

Aloha Jane,

I am baffled that you are sending me another email about your December, 2009 transaction.

I have responded to you two previous times; December 28, 2009 and February 20, 2010.

PLEASE call if you did not or cannot locate or receive your refund.

It is that does the credit card processing.

We do not see your credit card data. enables us the ability to issue a refund to your transaction.

A refund was issued to your transaction many months ago when you did not respond to the previous emails or process an exchange purchase.  All coupons issued to you from previous emails have long expired.

Customer's Communicate

Want a meal of culinary experience?

August 12th, 2010

Locals know where to get good food.

In the Lahaina News August 12th   headline   Want a meal or culinary experience?

Letter to the Editor:

Living in Hawaii, most of us get the same questions from visitors. They all want to know where they can go to dinner. However, we need to know whether they just want to eat, or if they want a dining experience.

Some people like a place with décor and ambiance. Along with it, they get menus describing each portion with many superlatives.

For example, the vegetables specify where they are grown, how they are picked, and placed on a bed of some special herb that comes from still another place.

The steak dishes give the entire history of the steak from the time the cattle were born to when it gets on your plate.

In a fine dining restaurant, reading the menu is like hanging around a library.

But for those who just want to eat, I send them to my kind of place. 

spam truck


restaurantBig Humble Blackie Gadarian


Customer's Communicate

THE best online purchase I ever made…

August 11th, 2010

jungle-bird-red Rating: Excellent

Price Rating:Excellent

Shipping Options Rating:Excellent

Delivery Rating:Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent

Customer Service Rating:Excellent

This was one of THE best online purchases I have made. The shirts are very authentic in their patterns, extremely high quality and the fit is fantastic. The website was very simple and gave me plenty of options for purchasing. The delivery fees were very reasonable and it was at my doorstep in no time. We will definitely be making more purchases through this company.   Francina S. / Fort Riley, KS

Customer's Communicate

“….VERY high quality…”

August 11th, 2010

hibiscus-panel Rating: Excellent

Price Rating:Good

Shipping Options Rating: Excellent

Delivery Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

I was very surprised to receive a shirt I ordered within 5 days. I live by Boston, MA. The is VERY high quality and I now know why they do cost so much. Its better then anything I have seen in any store.  Bryan D. / Oxford, MA

Customer's Communicate

From Pelissanee, France

August 10th, 2010

CALLA LILY Dear Sirs, good morning.

Just a little note to tell you many thanks for your kindness and your conscientious work. We acknowledge receipt of the shirts "Calla Lilly". She’s very beautiful! With my wife, we’re went to Hawaii (Oahu and Maui) for our honey moon… It was fantastic! Well, once again thank you so much.

Yours sincerely, Luc UFARTE

P.S: Sorry for my bad English

Customer's Communicate

“….excellent service…”

August 10th, 2010

Dear Mr. Steinborn,

bamboo-paradise-hawaiian-shirt floating martini I just wanted to thank you and your staff very much for the excellent service we received on our recent order.  We ordered a man’s shirt and a short tank dress, received a phone call from an extremely pleasant young lady to verify the dress size, had the order upgraded to Federal Express automatically and for no extra charge, and received the items this morning – well before the "estimated time of arrival".

The shirt and dress are beautiful, fit exactly as advertised, and we appreciate the coupons that were included with the order.

It is a pleasure doing business with your company, and I will highly recommend your web site to my friends and family.

Sincerely,  (Mrs.) Tracy Trim, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Customer's Communicate

Rush for free / Quality is not cheap !

August 7th, 2010

hibiscus summer Rating: Excellent

Price Rating:OK

Shipping Options Rating:Excellent

Delivery Rating:Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent

Customer Service Rating:Excellent

Hi there! I wore the dress that I bought from you, to my reunion. It was a tropical (luau) theme. It was perfect! Everyone complimented me on it and it was perfect w/the theme. It even arrived on the day that I requested it be here, w/no problem… and not having to pay an additional shipping fee! However, the price could’ve been a little lower! Other than that, I couldn’t have asked for anything more!!! Thank You very much, Anita / Anaheim, CA

Customer's Communicate

Great shirts…all the way to the Netherlands

August 6th, 2010

anthurim-panel Fancy Garden Rating: Excellent

Price Rating:Excellent

Shipping Options Rating:Excellent

Delivery Rating:Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent

Customer Service Rating:Excellent

Great shirts and I couldn’t believe how fast I got them in the post as I live the other side of the world from the merchant. Well done.   Patrick B. / Netherlands

Customer's Communicate