Here is the latest Blackie Gadarian comment; published in the Maui News Nov. 7th.
Every time I think life is tough, I realize that some things are easy.
Drumsticks are easy to eat. They have handles for picking them up. Shrimp have built-in handles too.
And best of all, French fries have two handles, one at each end.
Why says things are tough?
Humble Blackie Gadarian

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Outsourcing of American products has gone too far. We know that for years our cars,
refrigerators, appliances, clothing, furniture, tools, etc. are being built in other countries.
It is a shock to find that now Pepto-Bismol is being made in Mexico. Just thinking of it gives me indigestion.
Humble Maui Blackie
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It happens all of the time. You reach into the closet for a clothes hanger. Instead of one, you get a bunch stuck together. There they are, stuck on clothing or in a clump on the floor.
Then you go to the market. You take a shopping cart. But the cart is stuck to one or two other carts.
You might imagine that clothes hangers and shopping carts stick together as they do because they are mating.
Humble Blackie Gadarian
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Letter to the Editor:
Some of us have noticed modern day baby strollers at the airport or various public places.
Baby strollers are getting as large as Volkswagens. They seem to be large enough to have stereos, auto-bottle feeders, cell phones, diaper containers, toy boxes, and room for a friend.
We can live with them most of the time except when frantic parents find out the stroller won’t fit in an airplane. They clog the entrance to the plane, then end up stuffing the contents of the stroller in the compartment over our heads. It’s like stuffing a marshmallow into a ketchup bottle.
My solution: have certain airplanes for adults only. I’ll even pay extra for that.
Humble Blackie Gadarian
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To the Lahaina News
December 31, 2009
Letter to the Editor:
Recently, on a very warm day, I saw a car broken down on the side of the road. There was a family standing outside the car. They were waiting for help. They looked hot and forlorn.
I remember years ago a family would not need to stand there in the heat of the day. They would have been sitting on the running board on the shady side of the car.
Very few of us remember running boards on a car. Among other uses, they were for people to sit on until someone could fix the car.
Bring back running boards!
Humble Blackie Gadarian
blackie Customer's Communicate Blackie's Blog Stuff
Y’know, y’know, y’know… we hear that term constantly in conversations and on TV and radio.
Y’know interrupts the train of thought when someone is making an important statement.
I want to scream out, “Yes I know!” But they go on and on.
Y’know, I wish people would stop using y’know.
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The Pearl Harbor attack happened on Sunday when everyone was asleep.
Terrorists could easily attack us on Stupid Bowl Sunday when everyone is glued to a TV set.
We hope history never repeats itself.
Humble Blackie Gadarian
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Blackie Gadarian acquired this rare specimen of a whale egg in Hawaii in 1990. He mounted the Whale Egg on a custom made cradle and displayed the Whale Egg at Blackie’s Bar in Lahaina, Maui. An explanatory plaque accompanied the display to attest to the Whale Egg’s authenticity. Many people viewed the exhibit and made comments on it.
When Blackie’s Bar closed in 1995, the Whale egg was acquired by a private museum and moved to Southern California, where it remains on display for limited viewing.
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Letter to a sick friend in the hospital from Maui Blackie Gadarian
These are things that people said when visiting me in the hospital. You’ll get the same.
“How you doin’?”
“How’s everything goin’?”
“Whatcha been doing lately?”
“Gee, I wish I could be like you, just hanging around looking at TV and getting served.”
“Brought you a couple of magazines. Outdoor Life and Field and Stream. I know you’ll enjoy reading them, since you have nothing else to do.”
“Who are your doctors?”
“Are they doing everything they can?”
“They aren’t holding back, are they?”
“If you have any doubt, call me. I know two of the greatest doctors. We play golf all the time. They are great sports. Everybody says they are good doctors too.”
“Well . . . great visiting with you. Get well soon, so we can go over old times.”
(Longer pause)
“Well . . . gotta go. We’re going to a reunion of the old gang. We’ll have a great time. Wish you were there.”
(Still longer pause)
“Call us some time. Let me know how things are going. We like to keep informed.”
“See yah!”
blackie Customer's Communicate Blackie's Blog Stuff
I just have this to say. . .
There is a common usage of the phrase beginning with the words “I just”. For example: “I just can’t do my homework”, or “I just don’t want to go shopping”, or “I just want to do what I want to do”.
It’s very irritating to some of us. I just wish we would stop using “I just”.
Humble Blackie Gadarian
blackie Customer's Communicate Blackie's Blog Stuff