Fishes of Hawaii has a fast journey to the Mainland
Rating: Excellent
Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
I was amazed they could deliver the shirt on the date I needed it.
The shipping is costly, but I don’t believe that is in the control of this merchant! T.J. / League City, TX
Note: Shipping includes many things other merchants can not and do not do. The cost of shipping is more a cost for handling and packaging than actual shipping costs. All apparel is folded and wrapped in nice white tissue paper then inserted into a protective plastic bag and shipped in a re-sealed sturdy box. Your order is confirmed by an instant email with a link back to your order on the Yahoo Shopping Network. An automatic email is sent to you when the order ships with the tracking number. Our Federal Express charges: $19.80 is about half the cost of the charges you would ordinarily pay from any city on the Mainland.