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Politics as Blackie sees it

October 17th, 2008

Headlines:  "Kissing Up" and "Politicians Puckering Up"

It happens every election.  The politicians kiss our okoles to get our vote.  After the politicians get elected, we the people have to kiss their okoles to get them to do what they promised us.

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Headlines:  "Speeches Don’t Stick" and "Candidates’ Words Gone Quick"

It’s election time again.  Political candidates make speeches that sound wonderful.  They go on and on.

However, these speeches are like a Chinese dinner.  It’s great at the time but it doesn’t stick with you.

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Headlines: "Political Campaign Rhetoric Takes on a Different Meaning" and  "Hungry on Purpose"

Here we are again in an election year.  Candidates will be talking about many problems they would solve if elected.  They will speak of millions of citizens going to bed hungry every night.  I am one of those citizens.  I am on a diet.

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Headlines: "Tis the Season for Even More Political Promises: and "Who Tells the Best Lies?"

It’s election time again.  Politicians are making promises that they know are outright lies.  We, the public, know they are lies.  But we vote for the politician who tells us the most appealing lie.

We deserve what we get for being gullible again.

Maui Blackie Gadarian   cartoon

Customer's Communicate

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