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Best Service & Ordering information…most variety…

October 28th, 2010

falling leavesflamingo paradise  









 FALLING LEAVES – Men’s Aloha Shirt     FLAMINGO PARADISE – Men’s Aloha Shirt

classic tiare


Rating: Good

Price Rating: OK

Shipping Options Rating: Good

Delivery Rating: Good

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

Customer Service Rating: Excellent



After a VERY disappointing experience with QualityHawaiianShirts in which I was sent a different size than I ordered “because these tend to run large” which is absolute nonsense more like “we want the $58.95 + $4.00 for 2XL; so we are sending what we have which is an XL and since we have your money and are in Hawaii we are pretty confident there is nothing you can do about it”. Once I realized through multiple emails and a phone call that QualityHawaiianShirts idea of customer service was “pick another shirt, or send the wrong shirt back, both options causing me to spend more money on postage and then pack and deliver to the post office a shirt that was not what I wanted in the first place.

Then I came across Mauishirts web site in which they specifically state if you do not select an alternate no replacements will be sent and then went on to give very clear and helpful advise regarding shopping on their site along with many customer testimonials. I made an initial purchase and was so impressed went back an made another; to date I have spent over $600.00 at Mauishirts and I am sure to go back for more you have a satisfied customer for life! PLEASE share this with QualityHawaiianShirts; or maybe not their business is so good they don’t need to attract new customers.

Sincerely,  Keith  /  Columbia, MD



MauiShirts.com may not always be the lowest price, but no other web site offering men’s Hawaiian shirts comes close to offering you the quality of service or variety. 

The bitterness of poor quality remains long after a cheaper price is forgotten.
It’s not that it looks good. It’s how long it looks good.

Things to think about

Mickey Steinborn

Customer's Communicate

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