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Select Alternate choices of print and or color —- PLEASE !

June 20th, 2008

What is it with you folks? Take a good look. Why are you not selecting alternate colors or prints? Why? There are hundreds of prints, more than a dozen styles. Literally thousands of choices. Think about it. It is impossible to keep stock of every print, in every color, in every size, in every style all of the time. It just can not be done. No other web site offers more variety of Made in Hawaii and Shipped from Hawaii clothing. Use the "Special Instructions" box at the bottom left of your order form as you check out to type in some alternate selections in case want you want has sold out or is temporarily out of stock.  You have all the space you need in this box. There is no character limit. If you put an item in your shopping cart ,and you read in the drop-down menu of "Available-Selections" that there is only one (1) in stock, there is a good chance someone has already beat you to the punch. The web site is updated manually every day, though out the day, to reflect sales, exchanges, returns. Many, many times, the same item with one dress, one shirt, noted in stock in the drop-down menu of "Available-Selections", is sold the same night. MauiShirts.com receives upwards to 10,000 page views a day. Our customer help staff can not take the time to call everyone who does not select alternates. We do call many. But, because we are 3 to 6 hours earlier than you, it can be difficult to do this all of the time. When you select 2nd Day Federal Express as your shipping option, we assume you are in a rush. We can’t play phone tag. We will ship your partial order and refund the out of stock or sold out item when the order ships. Orders for matching outfits will not ship. We will either call or send an email to customers who have selected matching outfits. We will cancel the order if you do not respond within three days. You can always call the toll free number to check the availability before you place your order. Don’t forget, MauiShirts.com is on the island of Maui in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Our clocks do not change. You folks on the mainland are always messing with the time. Local Maui Time can be found on the top of the Contact MauiShirts page.


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