
Archive for November, 2007

Alternate choice selection is a great success

November 22nd, 2007

I want to take this time to thank all the customers who actually read the information provided for everyone about availability issues. Many folks, since I asked everyone to select alternate choices in the Men’s cotton shirts and the boy’s and girl’s items, have, indeed, done so. This has prevented us from shipping many partial orders and has made many people very happy.

The concept is simple, really. There are thousands of choices. The numbers are staggering. The web site is approaching 3,000 pages deep. offers more selection of ‘Made in and Shipped from Hawaii’ apparel than anyone, anywhere. It is virtually impossible to stock all items for immediate shipment in every color, in every size, in every print and every style ALL OF THE TIME. It is impossible for the Honolulu factories to do this and it is impossible for to do this. Because so many of you on the Mainland are in a rush, it has become imperative to inform you of this simple fact. There is a toll free number to call. It can be found on the bottom area of all pages of the web site if you want to check stock before you place your on-line order. Select alternate colors or prints. You will be glad you did. Many people have done this. The truth is that only a small percentage of orders ever receive the alternate choices. The bulk of all orders ship with the first selections.

There are over 7,000 garments now hanging in my showroom in Lahaina, Maui. is now processing as many as 50 orders per day, 7 days a week. We are shipping over 2,000 or more garments per month. The web site is manually updated every day through out the day, 365 days a year, to reflect sales, exchange and returns. 97% of all returns are for exchanges. (This is because I still can not get folks to use the size charts – the size charts are accurate). Very few customers return items for refund. We are always attempting to let folks know what remains in stock 24 hours a day. NO OTHER WEB SITE DOES THIS. It is a daunting task, but there is no other way. Because things are made in such small quantities, this is the only way to keep the items remaining in stock updated – manually. There is no software to do this. At least none off the shelf. It would cost thousands of dollars to write some custom software to constantly update inventories. Most folks do not know this, but has listings on eBay,, and other sources. Things can sell out overnight. One on-line order from a wedding party, a convention gathering or luau can wipe out an entire print in existing inventory.

Anything not in immediate hanging stock can be ordered as long as fabric remains available. The only glitch is that you can not be in a rush. There is NO additional cost to make something for you. The wait can be a few days to longer than 8 weeks.

Happy Holidays, Mickey

Customer's Communicate

Thank You Letter

November 15th, 2007

 Thank you letter from a Valued Customer
